Build a Successful Franchise through social media marketing without the gimmicks, false promises, and technical jargon.
It’s time to get rid of your 60+ hour work weeks, disappointing cash flow, and overwhelming stress. It’s time for you to generate more revenue and attract more customers without depending on your Franchisor.
Forget about the marketing programs that deliver leads that don’t close, have no idea about franchising, and don’t have experience growing a brick and mortar business. You’re better off spending money on another order of fries.
There are three common marketing mistakes that most franchisees make:
  •  No strategic marketing plan - in other words, losing a ton of potential money and clients 
  •  Outsourcing their marketing for big money with puny results
  •  Failing to use social media marketing as the most cost efficient and results driven advertising method available
Franchise Ramp offers the only no risk breakthrough one on one consultation call that uniquely targets your franchise’s goals while providing a complete overhaul to your marketing strategy through social media. 

Social media marketing can be complex, frustrating, and frankly, a nuisance. That’s why most franchisees avoid it or do a pretty crummy job managing it. 

The no risk breakthrough one on one consultation calls were designed specifically for you. The franchisee that wants to transform their franchise and take their business to the next level. You will receive:
  •  An audit of your current Facebook and Instagram pages
  •  A 12-week marketing plan specific to your business and budget
  •  A custom audience/avatar specific to your location and franchise
  •  3-5 ads specifically for your business

This type of value would normally cost you $2,500. But, we are offering it to serious franchisees for FREE!
The days of trying to figure out the complex world of social media marketing by yourself are over!
Wouldn’t you love to have a complete analysis of your current marketing plan by three successful franchisees?

Do you want to grow your franchise exponentially?

Do you want to discover your ideal client so you can experience customer growth?

Would you like to rid yourself of the stress and anxiety of trying to build your own social media marketing platforms? Do you want to be trained by franchisees that successfully built theirs?

Imagine receiving practical strategies from experienced franchisees that exponentially grew their franchises using social media marketing.

How much customer growth and financial success could you receive just by scheduling these calls? 
5 shocking facts about social media advertising that will blow your mind
  •  71% of consumers that have a good social media experience with a business are more likely to recommend it to others.
  •  4 million businesses pay for social media advertising on Facebook per year.
  •  Social media advertising budgets are up to $17 billion a year.
  •  Over 50% of marketers rank social media as a low cost ad option.
  •  70% of marketers plan to increase their use of video ads next year.
Are you ready to make this no risk call, or do you want to spend another year banging your head against a wall? (We strongly recommend making the call).
Meet Your Experts - Owners of Franchise Ramp - The #1 Facebook Partner for Franchisees, by Franchisees
Brian Holmes
At 23-years-old and right after walking out of his job in the banking industry, Brian bought his first franchise in the tax industry. 

For over 10 years, he struggled to build a business the old school way. His first location broke all system records. He grew his business to 19 locations and made almost $3 Million in revenue in over 10 years.

He purchased another franchise with the development rights for four locations in the fitness industry. After he discovered the power of social media to grow his brand, he launched 3 studios as cash flow positive from day 1.

He has sold 12 offices for 7 figures. He still owns 5 locations that are 4 hours away from him, yet they operate without his involvement. Brian credits most of his current franchise success to social media marketing. It has been a game changer.
David Schuck
At 26-years-old, David realized he hated working for someone else and decided to purchase his first franchise. He built that business to $2.5 million and 17 locations. 

He broke all system records with his first location and opened 2 more locations within the next 12 months.

David loves the challenge of building teams and creating processes that allow the business to scale. One of the most effective processes has been creating a social media marketing strategy. 

When he started focusing on social media marketing, it completely transformed his franchises. He worked with Brian to develop his franchise’s social media strategies while opening his first business. 

Peter Hansen
Peter knew at an early age that business ownership was the right path for him. At 26-years-old, he purchased his first franchise in the tax industry. 

He built that organization to 5 locations with $1 Million in revenue. Then, he purchased a development agreement for 3 franchise locations 2,000 plus miles from his home. How was he able to do this? Social media marketing, of course.

He was one of Franchise Ramp’s first customers. He discovered his passion for social media marketing and used it to create cash flow in his first location two weeks before opening the doors. 

The Experts Unite
Together, Franchise Ramp’s premiere social media marketing experts will generate more than $8 Million in revenue from their franchises in 2018. Collectively, they have owned over 50 franchise locations. 

They have established such success that they no longer need to work in their franchise locations every day. Their passion is to help other franchisees that are wanting to reach their goals faster. 

Mentorship and coaching is the best way to do that. These three franchise phenoms will not only bring you resources, they will bring you their personal experience and the successful models they used to accomplish their goals. 

Answers to Your Questions:
How much does this cost?
These value packed called are 100% free to serious franchisees that are ready to grow their businesses. 
How many calls will I receive?
You will have two no risk breakthrough consultation calls with us. The process will take 2-3 hour of your time, and 5-7 hours of our time.  
What will be discussed on the calls?
The first call, we will collect as much information as possible about your franchise and your business philosophy. 

The second call is where we will provide you with:

-An audit of your current Facebook and Instagram Pages
-A 12 Week Marketing Plan specific to your business and your budget
-A custom audience/avatar specific to your location and franchise
-3-5 ads specifically for your business
Will there be an opportunity to ask questions?
Yes. The call will not be scripted, and we are open to your questions. We are here to serve your franchise’s needs. 
Will I need to provide any information prior to the call?
There will be a survey provided prior to the call that you will fill out. This will help us figure out how we can best serve you.
What if I don’t have any social media platforms set up for my franchise?
That is not a problem. We can give you information on how to build a solid foundation to start an effective social media marketing plan. 
Consider the possibilities
  •  You don’t have to join the hundreds of franchises that will permanently close their doors this year.
  •  You don’t have to do it all alone. A franchisee’s life line is mentorship and coaching.
  •  You don’t have to work in your franchise every single day.
  •  You don’t have to miss out on valuable family time because you are too busy.
  •  You don’t have to struggle to pay your bills every single month.
If you are ready to grow your franchise, meet your financial goals, gain your time back, and transform your social media marketing, then you are ready for your one on one no risk consultation call. 

John Hewitt (Founder of Liberty Tax Service and Jackson Hewitt) says:

I have worked with thousands of Franchisees over the years.  Peter, David, and Brian are some of the very best. 

Erik Vanhorn (Founder of ILOVEFRANCHISING.COM) says:

I know a lot of people in the the Franchise world and Franchise Ramp is on the cutting - edge of Social Media Marketing for Franchisees.
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